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We Help Lawyers

Your professionalism and commitment to your client has resulted in a good outcome.

While your work is nearly completed, you feel strongly that you want to set your client up to make the most of their settlement.

You know that what you do now will determine your client's financial future and that your client is looking to you for guidance.

You can confidently recommend to your client that they consider Aeran to help them manage their settlement proceeds.

Aeran has the expertise to help you smoothly transition your client out of the legal process and into their future.

How Aeran Helps

The Aeran Difference

How Aeran Helps Lawyers

Expert assistance right now

The medical reports make it clear to Sarah that her client won't have capacity to manage her settlement funds.

Sarah wants to talk through the pros and cons of using a private trustee in this case before making a referral. She picks up the phone to Jane so that she can be really clear before her client meeting tomorrow.

Sarah and Jane know that every case is different and it's important to get to the right solution.

Sarah doesn't hesitate to reach out as she knows that Jane will recommend the public trustee if that's best for the client.

Protecting the vulnerable

Michael knows that his client, Alex, will be vulnerable when he receives his settlement. Alex is a lovely young man, but he's had a tough time and hasn't had much family support. If people learn about Alex's settlement they will try to take advantage of him.

Michael knows that a quality, independent financial adviser will help Alex to place his funds beyond the reach of those who don't have his best long-term interests at heart. Michael wants to do all he can to protect Alex, and he knows that Aeran's team have a 25-year history of caring for people like him.

Meeting clients in their home

Rachel's client lives in a small town and with Ben's disability it's hard for the family to travel. They are quite anxious about the upcoming settlement conference, but will need to make some decisions about financial management soon.

Rachel knows that the Aeran team will travel out to see the family and sit down with them without obligation. They will be able to answer all their questions calmly and clearly without any hard sell. It's important to ensure that the family feel comfortable and understand the process and their options.

Seamless trustee relationship

Bill feels that the separation of trustee and investment manager roles gives his clients an extra layer of protection. He knows that a trustee has a fiduciary duty to act in their client's best interest and that this is only meaningful if the trustee can act to change investment manager if necessary. He knows that Aeran works seamlessly with trustee companies and that having a separate trustee and investment manager is no more expensive or difficult. One call to Aeran can secure both trustee and investment manager.

Concerned about the financial services industry

Sam's firm has a whole division devoted to financial services litigation including representing individuals against the big banks and similar providers. Sam knows that Aeran's team have large company experience and can invest his clients settlement funds with the same fund managers that a large firm would use. However, Aeran remains independent and free of conflicts of interest, with a real focus on the welfare of injured people.

Meeting your duty of care

Peter's personal injury practitioners get together once a quarter for a CLE session. Peter knows that there are financial deadlines that apply post settlement. He wants to ensure that his team is confident in talking to their clients about the financial implications of receiving a lump sum and are able to refer them for more information and advice appropriately. Jane and her team prepare and deliver a complimentary training session that is spot on, leveraging Jane's vast experience and technical knowledge.

Navigate the industry

Cynthia wants to bring together a group to improve a key aspect of helping injured people. She needs the input of lawyers, insurers, key industry groups and government, but doesn't know where to start. She reaches out to Jane and is put in contact with key people who can help her to make a difference.

International guidance

Sebastian is a UK-based lawyer with an Australian client. He contacts Jane for help with the repatriation and structuring of his clients' settlement.